Born on the track.

Initially founded as Special Electronics Group to help Motorsport Sports Venues embrace technology to deliver safer, more efficient, and entertaining events. NABS Creative is the result of thousands of days spent planning, installing, delivering and running numerous events across the globe, many different venue types and Event formats.

A Legacy of 10 LeMans 24-Hour Events designing and producing core operational electronics, numerous production roles at Sports World Cup Events, World Championships, Olympic Qualifiers, 5-Star Equine Events and many more international sports events means a true core understanding of what it takes to work with or lead the many partners and be part of delivering key major events. From Creating temporary venues in the Desert to closing down city streets or working in established sites the NABS Creative team are at home and bring a great institutional knowledge to any team.

Evolving Dynamic Events.

A Corporate event history that includes delivering the first US Movie Premier on a LED Screen at Sundance to annually supporting charities raise millions of dollars through successful events means NABS Creative has the experienced team to help support the most complex corporate or conference event.

Established by Peter O’Doherty who had worked over 1,000 weddings by the time he left school and now has over 40 years in the live event industry across a multitude of events worldwide.

NABS Creative kept their core team intact through the 2020 / 2021 Covid pandemic, Peter became president of the Utah Live Events Industry Association and campaigned tirelessly to help many aspects of the Utah Industry while supporting the national effort. This culminated in Utah delivering the first set of guidelines for venue operation developed by the ULEIA and adopted to reopen many small venues, Rodeo grounds and NABS Creative was integral in the USA’s first post Lockdown Drive-in EDM festival.


Contact us.

5060 Amelia Earhart Drive, Suite B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
UTAH (435) 268-2221